Guilherme Ferraz de Arruda
Guilherme Ferraz de Arruda
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Guilherme Ferraz De Arruda
Assigning Entities to Teams as a Hypergraph Discovery Problem
Contagion dynamics on higher-order networks
Robustness and Complexity of Directed and Weighted Metabolic Hypergraphs
Replanting unproductive palm oil with smallholder plantations can help achieve Sustainable Development Goals in Sumatra, Indonesia
From unbiased to maximal entropy random walks on hypergraphs
Multistability, intermittency and hybrid transitions in social contagion models on hypergraphs
From subcritical behavior to a correlation-induced transition in rumor models
Social contagion on higher-order structures
Contrastes Entre Interesses Individuais e Coletivos: Uma Discussão Sob a Ótica da Epidemiologia Matemática (Portuguese)
Phase transitions and stability of dynamical processes on hypergraphs
Evolutionary Dynamics of Higher-Order Interactions
Universality of eigenvector delocalization and the nature of the SIS phase transition in multiplex networks
Social contagion models on hypergraphs
Comparison of Different Spike Train Synchrony Measures Regarding Their Robustness to Erroneous Data From Bicuculline-Induced Epileptiform Activity
Impact of the distribution of recovery rates on disease spreading in complex networks
Layer degradation triggers an abrupt structural transition in multiplex networks
A polynomial eigenvalue approach for multiplex networks
Fundamentals of spreading processes in single and multilayer complex networks
Multiplex Networks: Basic Formalism and Structural Properties
A General Markov Chain Approach for Disease and Rumor Spreading in Complex Networks
Scaling Properties of Multilayer Random Networks
Disease Localization in Multilayer Networks
Diluted banded random matrices: Scaling behavior of eigenfunction and spectral properties
On degree-degree correlations in multilayer networks
Multilayer Networks: Metrics and Spectral Properties
A process of rumour scotching on finite populations
Role of centrality for the identification of influential spreaders in complex networks
Structure and dynamics of functional networks in child-onset schizophrenia
The Influence of Network Properties on the Synchronization of Kuramoto Oscillators Quantified by a Bayesian Regression Analysis
Supervised Classification of Basaltic Aggregate Particles Based on Texture Properties
A Complex Networks Approach for Data Clustering
An entropy-based approach to automatic image segmentation of satellite images